Black Cats & Tiny Tigers + WGE 2024 was held

Black Cats & Tiny Tigers is a tournament that was played in Varaždin on Saturday, May 18, 2024, as part of the 6th edition of the PDGA Women Global Event. Participation in this tournament was open to women, children of both genders in junior categories up to FJ15 and MJ15, and to include more PDGA Propagators (players whose score is used to calculate round ratings) the Green category for men with PDGA ratings up to 850 was also opened.

The purpose of this tournament was to provide women of all ages and disc golf skill levels the opportunity to participate in a competition alongside disc golf players from around the world. During that weekend, tournaments were held globally with over 3,000 women and girls participating. All players were ranked globally based on their results, so even if only one player participated in a category at the Varaždin tournament, she was still included in the global ranking for that category and had the chance to win some of the valuable prizes for the best players.
More information about the entire PDGA Women Global Event can be found on the PDGA website.

In the women’s tournament Black Cats, 16 players participated, with the best result achieved by Danica Pajtak, who finished as the runner-up in the global ranking of the FA40 category.
A noteworthy performance was by Tina Šimenc, who played a -10 in the second round, an unofficial PDGA rating of 941, the highest women’s round ever played by a Croatian player.

In the children’s tournament, six children participated, but for two in the under-8 category, the competition was too challenging, so only four young participants finished the tournament.

In the girls' under-10 category, Kaja Gorički won ahead of Austrian Isabelle Narath. In the boys' under-12 category, Adrian Dimovski won, and in the boys' under-8 category, the best was Noah Tuhtan.

Following the Black Cats & Tiny Tigers tournament, part of the PDGA Women Global Event was also the Spring Forester tournament, which was played the next day at the same location, but with a different course layout of 13 holes.

Global ranking

In the men's Green category, 9 players competed, and the winner was Christoph Hausmann, ahead of Adrian Liber and Primož Belčič.

The full tournament results can be found on the PDGA website.

Global ranking