Black Cats + WGE and Tiny Tigers + WGE are two separate tournaments that will be played in Varaždin on Saturday, May 18th, 2024, and will be part of PDGA Women Global Eventa. Participation in the Black Cats tournament is open primarily to women in all Pro and amateur categories from FJ18 and above, while participation in the Tiny Tigers tournament is open to girls and boys in junior categories from FJ06 and MJ06 to FJ15 and MJ15. All categories for which competitors sign up will be played, even if there is only one competitor in the category.
In addition a Green division has been opened for male players rated up to 850 with the goal to bring more PDGA rating propagators in the event and to get a better ballance of round ratings.
The purpose of PDGA Women Global Event tournaments is to provide women of all ages and knowledge of the game of disc golf with the opportunity to participate in the competition against disc golf players from all over the world. Namely, that weekend tournaments are played all over the world, and all players are ranked globally according to their results, so if a player in our tournament is the only one in her category, she will still be included in the world ranking of that category and have the opportunity to win some of valuable prizes for the best.
We hope this tournament will inspire women to get involved, play, connect and share experiences with other women in our sport.
The PDGA Women Global Event has been played 5 times. so this will be the 6th edition.
In the fourth edition played, in 2018, 80 tournaments were held in 14 countries (including one in Varaždin), with the participation of 2,092 players.
In the fifth edition played in 2021, at the time of the Covid19 pandemic, when competitions could not be held all over the world, a record was broken and 99 tournaments were played (including one in Varaždin) with the participation of 3,224 players.
We hope that the tournament in 2024 will break these records, and that another Varaždin tournament will contribute to that.
Find more information about the entire PDGA Women Global Event at PDGA website.
The tournament will be held on a specially prepared 9-hole layout at the Drava Forester course in Varaždin, near the Arena Varaždin sports hall, a nd in each round participants will play each 9 holes twice
The holes will be specially designed for female players and will be 45 to 80 meters long for par 3 holes.
In the past years, we have played WGE tournaments at the Varaždin Vodovodna course, where the holes are from 45 to 70 m long, and this enabled our players to achieve an excellent ranking in the global standings at the Black Cats tournament in 2021. - Kaja Gorički won the category for girls up to 6 years old, Ira Molnar Gorički took 2nd place in the category of women over 40 FA40, Jelena Geček took 2nd place in the most numerous Novice category among over 500 players, Ana Gorički took 3rd place in the Junior category up to 18 years of age, and Maja Šimenc took 4th place in the Intermediate category. That WGE 2021 was sponsored by ZUCA and numerous other sponsors, so our players won valuable prizes - the most valuable - the ZUCA cart was taken away by young Kaja, and there were also disc golf backpacks, t-shirts and more.
The results of all categories can be found at PDGA stranici.
In addition to the professional women's categories, the following amateur categories are open (with a description from the PDGA website):
FA1 - Advanced Women – the highest amateur women's category for all players up to the age of 40 and a PDGA rating of 825 or higher.
FA2 - Intermediate Women – category for players with a PDGA rating lower than 825, who have developed basic discus throwing techniques, can throw the disc at distances between 35 and 60 m, will hit between 3 and 5 putts in the basket from a distance of 6 m, and can throw a backhand relatively precisely.
FA3 - Recreational Women - a category in which players with a PDGA rating lower than 775 can play who are still perfecting discus throwing and disc golf techniques.
FA4 - Novice Women – a category in which players with a PDGA rating lower than 725 (or no PDGA rating), who are just learning disc golf techniques, can play.
Amateur Master Women 40+ – a category in which players who will turn 40 in 2024 can play.
Under the same conditions, the categories for female players who will turn 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70 years old during 2024 (at least on 12/31/2024) are also open.
Separate junior categories are open to girls who will be under 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 (Tiny Tigers tournament) and 18 years old (Black Cats tournament) during 2024. (even if they already turned 16 on January 2, 2024, they can play FJ15). In addition to girls, as part of the Tiny Tigers tournament, boys can also compete in categories up to 6, 8, 10, 12 and 15 years old.
Green division is open for male players rated up to 850.
As an example, we can mention that in the 2021 edition of the PDGA Women Global Event, 12 players over the age of 70, 509 complete beginners (Novice Women category), 28 girls up to 8 years old and 3 girls up to 6 years old participated.
The tournament will be played as a one-day tournament of two rounds of 18 holes, without a final.
All participants in children's categories must be accompanied by an adult.
In the children's women's categories for the WGE global ranking, only the 1st round of the competition is considered. According to the agreement with the registered participants (that is, their parents), children's categories up to 6 and 8 years old can play only one round of the competition.
In other women's categories, both rounds of the tournament are taken for the WGE global standings.
To register for the competition in the Black Cats tournament, open a separate registration page.
To register for the competition in the Tiny Tigers children's tournament, open a separate registration page.
Given that the tournament is played on a 9-hole course, the maximum number of players is 45 in total in both tournaments
The results of the competition will be published on the PDGA event page.
The registration fee for the Black Cats tournament in the junior FJ18 and women's "recreational" categories FA4 and FA3 is a symbolic €5, the registration fee for the other women's categories and Green is €15 and includes the organization of the competition, compensation to the Croatian Flying Disc Association and awards to the best participants in each category.
The registration fee for the Tiny Tigers tournament is a symbolic €5 and includes the organization of the competition, a fee to the Croatian Flying Disc Association and awards to the best participants in each category.
To pay the registration fee, use the following information:
Lagoda j.d.o.o., Varaždin, HR6323400091110550349
You can leave the call to number field empty (or enter 00 or 99 if prompted), and under the description of the payment you can state "Registration for the tournament".
You can follow the weather forecast for Varaždin at page.
Tournament program
Saturday 18.5. | |
10:30 | Players meeting, tournament center, Arena 1st floor |
11:00 | Start of Round 1 (expected duration until 12:45 - 13:00) |
- | Lunch break of approximately 90 minutes (bring your own food) |
14:30 | Start of Round 2 (expected duration until 16:15 - 16:30) |
- | Winners ceremony |
The 9-hole course is set up in the area next to the Arena hall, and in each round, two rounds of 9 holes are played.
Since beginners and children are participating in the tournament, parts of the course where the grass is not mowed will be marked as Relief areas, so players don't have to enter bushes, blackberries, etc.
If a player's disc lands in this area, the player continues play from where the disc entered Relief, but without penalty throws.
You can download the course plan in PDF format from this page.

Participants can use free parking next to the Arena Varaždin sports hall. (google location)