Tournament: Drava Forester 2025

Divisions PDGA Membership Required PDGA Min. Rating
Date of Event 31.10.2025. @ 08:00h
Registrations from 11.01.2025. (11:39:45) to 31.10.2025. (08:00:00)

Sign up for Drava Forester 2025 tournament that will be played from October 31st to November 2nd.

Categories open for this event are Open and Open Women that play the full 3-day event, while Gold is division for both genders for players who can and want to compete only for Round 2 (Saturday morning) and Round 3 (Sunday morning).

Find all additional info on the tournament page.


Prijavite se za turnir Drava Forester koji će se igrati od petka 31.10. do nedjelje 2.11.

Otvorene kategorije su Open i Open Women za sudionike koji se natječu u sve tri runde, dok je Gold kategorija otvorena za sudionike koji se žele ili mogu natjecati samo u 2. rundi (subota ujutro) i 3. rundi (nedjelja ujutro).

Sve dodatne informacije potražite na stranici turnira.

Registered players

# Nation Div. Name PDGA Rating Paid
1 DE MPO Philipp Kratochvilochvil 48307 N/A
2 CH MPO Tinu Schär 14947 873
3 HR FPO Danica Pajtak 62432 824
4 HR MPO Nino Durak 66496 914
5 AT MPO Martin Josef Nittmann 153129 909
6 RS MPO Miloš Gavrilović 279462 803
7 DE MPO Ingo Brand 101668 922
8 DE FPO Monika Braun 102779 796
9 RS MPO Stefan Ignjatovic 176013 934
10 RS MPO Dejan Vuksic 128075 842
11 HR MPO Aleksandar Aki Vuckovic 62431 919
12 HR MPO Aleksandar Bato Sudžukovic 81081 931
13 AT MPO Andreas Trondl 146148 877