Turnir: Masterpiece 2025

Kategorije PDGA članstvo obavezno PDGA Min. Rating
Dan održavanja 17.05.2025. @ 08:00h
Prijave otvorene od 01.11.2024. (11:39:45) do 17.05.2025. (08:00:00)

Sign up for Masterpiece tournament that will be played on May 17 and 18, 2025.

Categories open for this event are Open, Open Women, Red (PDGA rated below 900), Green (PDGA rating below 850) and Purple (PDGA rating below 800).
Gold division is available for players of all ratings and both genders who want to play ONLY  round 1 and round 3.
Junior divisions will be opened upon request (sign up for MPO/FPO and let us know to move you to junior division).

Find all additional info on the tournament page.


Prijavite se za turnir Masterpiece koji će se igrati kroz vikend 17. i 18. 5., 2025.

Otvorene kategorije su Open, Open Women, Red (rejting ispod 900), Green (rejting ispod 850) i Purple (rejting ispod 800).
Kategorija Gold je otvorena za igrače oba spola i svih rejtinga koji žele igrati SAMO 1. i 3. rundu natjecanja.
Kategorije za juniore će biti otvorene prema interesu (prijavite se u MPO/FPO te nam javite da vas prebacimo u juniorsku kategoriju)

Sve dodatne informacije potražite na stranici turnira.

Registrirani igrači

# Zemlja Kat. Ime PDGA Rating Plaćeno
1 HR MPO Dino Harambasic 238507 902
2 HR MPO Antonio Grigić 242179 899
3 HR MPO Aleksandar Bato Sudžukovic 81081 935
4 HR MPO Josip Bosnjakovic 107997 N/A
5 HR MPO Dinko Šimenc 52313 923
6 RS GREEN Miloš Gavrilović 279462 802
7 SI MPO Zack Bevelacqua 105654 963
8 SI GREEN Primoz Belcic 234773 829
9 HR MPO Adrian Dimovski 286882 462
10 HR FPO Tina Šimenc 138383 834
11 AT RED Andreas Trondl 146148 878
12 AT FPO Cornelia Hackl 146142 786
13 HR MPO Nino Durak 66496 914
14 AT PURPLE Wolfgang Steinmetz 145097 784
15 HR GREEN Zoran Krečar 247323 821
16 HR PURPLE Tin Kruhak 266915 789
17 AT FPO Doris Wiesbauer 145121 618
18 HR FPO Maja Šimenc 52334 839
19 HR FPO Ira Molnar Goricki 69639 838
20 HR MPO Marin Grbac 172832 901