Tournament: Lagoda Team Showdown 2025

Divisions PDGA Membership Required PDGA Min. Rating
Date of Event 30.08.2025. @ 09:00h
Registrations from 21.06.2021. (12:33:56) to 30.08.2025. (09:00:00)

Sign up for the Lagoda Team Showdown tournament, which will be held on Saturday, August 30th, and Sunday, August 31st, 2025.

The average PDGA rating of all four players must not be higher than 888, that is, the sum of the PDGA ratings can be a maximum of 3,552.
If an unrated player played tournaments in 2024 or 2025, and the rating of his last 9 rounds is worth more than 888, then this value is taken as his rating.
If an unrated player has played tournaments in 2024 or 2025, and the rating of his last 9 rounds is less than 888, then 888 is taken as his rating.
In case the player has not played PDGA tournaments, then the value 888 is taken as his rating.

The rating of the team members on the day of registration is taken as a benchmark. In the event that after registering, and after rating update on May 13th, the rating of the team members increases, the team will still be able to participate in the tournament.

Teams are registered under the team name (e.g. "Black Thunder", "Crush Boys" etc.) determined by the team members, and the list of team members and their PDGA numbers must be stated in the note.


Prijavite se za Lagoda Team Showdown turnir koji će se igrati u Subotu 30.8. i nedjelju 31.8. 2025.

Prosječan PDGA rejting svih četvero igrača ne smije biti viši od 888, odnosno zbroj PDGA rejtinga može biti najviše 3.552.
Ako je igrač bez rejtinga u 2024 ili 2025 godini igrao turnire, i rejting njegovih 9 posljednjih rundi vrijedi više od 888, tada se ta vrijednost uzima kao njegov rejting.
Ako je igrač bez rejtinga u 2024 ili 2025 godini igrao turnire, i rejting njegovih 9 posljednjih rundi vrijedi manje od 888, tada se 888 uzima kao njegov rejting.
U slučaju da igrač nije igrao PDGA turnire tada se kao njegov rejting uzima vrijednost 888.

Kao mjerilo se uzima rejting članova ekipe na dan prijave. U slučaju da nakon prijave, a nakon ažuriranja rejtinga 13.5. rejting članova ekipe poraste, ekipa će i dalje moći nastupiti u turniru.

Ekipe se prijavljuju pod imenom ekipe (npr. "Munje i Gromovi", "Forhendaši") koje odrede članovi ekipe, a u napomeni je potrebno navesti popis članova ekipe i njihove PDGA brojeve.

Registered players

# Nation Div. Name PDGA Rating Paid
No signed up players at the moment